Saturday, August 25, 2012


As you may know, I am a teacher in a high school.  In the beginning of the summer, there was a chance that I might lose my job for next year because of layoffs.  So, I made sure I had work through the summer at summer school and my second job, the post office.  For the past 2.5 weeks, I have been working more than full time hours at the post office, because the boss was on vacation.  Between that and being in a new relationship, I was exhausted!

This week, I am finally getting to enjoy my summer - now that it's almost over!  My boss is back from vacation, and summer school is a faint memory.  I have to work Wednesday & Saturday, but that's it for about a week or so.  Plus, my new love is also on vacation (he is also a teacher) but he is in Florida (I miss him terribly!).

So, What am I to do with myself?

Answer:  Sleepcation!!!

The first night I got home from the post office, I took a nap from 6 to 10, then I went to bed around 12 or so.  I slept until 11 the next morning!  Woot!  I haven't slept like that in months!  I feel so much better!  I have been taking a nap pretty much every day since, and I'm loving it!

The only drawback is that I'm an extrovert, and after 2 days of this I was lonely and bored out of my mind.  Turns out this is the week all of my friends are too busy for anything.  One is getting married in 2 weeks, one is beginning his 2nd year in the seminary, one is about to start her first year teaching...  I'm ready for my love to come home.  I dream of napping in his arms!  :)


  1. Hello! I just found your blog and am super stoked to find another blogger! "Sleepcation" sounds great! This Saturday night/Sunday morning, my husband and daughter are going to be gone. I'm going to have the house all to myself. When I asked my hubby what he thought I should do, he replied, "You know you're going to fall asleep on the couch." :)! (Provided it doesn't mess up the sleep schedule TOO much.)

  2. Hi,

    I was hoping you can tell me if you have ever used medicines like Provigil help?


  3. Hey, I know Strides! :-) She's a GF PWN too. I know I said I was going to go to bed but I couldn't help bit keep reading, lol! And a sleepcation sounds a-freaking-mazing!!

  4. Hi Kate, I love your comments! Sleep well! ;)

    Hello Strides! I'm sorry I hadn't seen your post until now. I hope you very much enjoyed your sleepcation! I love those. :)
