Wednesday, August 15, 2012

It's been a while...

I've been away from blogging for a while. So much has happened this summer!

I found out that in the fall I will continue my teaching job! This is wonderful news! Especially because I need health insurance - Nuvigil can be very expensive. No health insurance = no Nuvigil. No Nuvigil = excessive daytime sleepiness. Excessive daytime sleepiness = difficulty finding a job. Not a cycle I want to swirl down for a second time.

In July, I finally finished my Master's degree in Theology. If I can do that, I can do anything! That took lots of hours studying, and lots of time sleeping. Sometimes your brain learns things more deeply during sleep. Maybe we people with sleep disorders have an advantage over others mentally because of this? I'd like to see a research study dome on that!!!

And possibly most significantly, I fell in love. This is one of the most exhausting things I have done in recent memory! From the time when we had our first date and I couldn't sleep (Narcolepsy coupled with insomnia is brutal!), through our super late-night talks, to our sustained pleasurable emotions, I am tired! But the good news is that he is a wonderful man who will take good care of me when I need it.

This is the main reason that I have been away from my laptop the last few weeks. When I am done spending time with him, I'm exhausted and drained. If I am at his house, he lets me stay because it's a long drive home, and I tend to have trouble driving while sleepy.

Here's hoping that I'll get back to a good routine when the school year starts, and start back up again. Until then, happy napping!


  1. I would like to see a similar research study done as well! When it comes to studying for my Masters I find myself having to obviously start earlier than most when it comes to studying but I always end up staying up later than I should. Perhaps I should try this sleeping more solution :).

    If you ever run into a situation where you don't have health insurance (I just did) you should apply to the Cephalon Cares Foundation. I have been able to obtain my medication for free for the past 2 years. It is a rather painless process. If you don't have health insurance or your health insurance doesn't cover meds it is a really good option to think about.

    Oh and congratulations on finding love. Having that support can be the best thing in life

  2. Brandon, definitely try sleeping to your heart's content. I have seen studies done on rats where they are working out mazes in their dreams, and get better at them the next day.

    Seriously, thank you so much for letting me know about Cephalon Cares! I had no idea something like that existed!

    And thank you for the congratulatory words. I am so happy!
