Friday, June 29, 2012

The Battle that is Caffeine

I'm too tired to write much. Caffeine can be of some use to people with narcolepsy (pwn) but it largely turns out to be more of a burden than anything else. Since it is summer, I have not sustained a good sleep schedule. All week I have been taking long naps in the afternoon. Yesterday I wasn't going to be home, so I couldn't nap. That idea turned into the idea to have 3 sodas at dinner. That turned into a 2am bed time. Now I'm exhausted, and I have a headache from the caffeine. I feel like I can't win today.


  1. I know I am leaving a butt load of comments but it is refreshing to see someone else experience the same things. My summer was way off because I didn't receive my Nuvigil until just last week. So unmedicated I had to rely so much on caffeine.. which is hard to do when your trying to eat a paleo diet. I always felt off or in a bad state of mind from the diet sodas I would just down as quickly as possible!

  2. I am very grateful for your comments! You're my first commenter. It shows me that at least someone is interested in what I'm saying.

    I am glad to share my experiences and glad to see that other people can identify with them. With sleep disorders like this, a lot of times people really don't understand.

    What's a paleo diet?

  3. a basic diet that is inherently gluten free that made a world of difference for me. It has been around for ages as it is how we as human beings originally ate (hence paleo). I was in Spain for a few months working with the Air Force and I was on 12 hour shifts but noticed I wasn't that tired. I was eating a Mediterranean style diet and loving it. When I came back to the states I was instantly wiped out... I knew something was wrong with the diet by that point.

  4. Wow! That's fascinating! I tried to go gluten-free one week and failed miserable. Most expensive week ever for groceries, too!

    I'm glad that helps you! I do understand not being able to stick to a diet, though!

  5. Hi,

    Do you know if stimulants? ? work well for sleepiness?


  6. I am gf and am a member of a Facebook group of GF PWNs, all but one of us who are involved have tried going GF have had noticeable improvements in our N symptoms. It is worth it for Mr now when I have gluten, I can totally feel how much it drags me down. I followed Paleo hard core for 6 weeks and it improved my energy level by 6O-7O%, but my weakness crept in and I have moved away from it. Hard core re-commitment coming in the next fee weeks.

  7. *me, not Mr, and few not fee....silly auto-cowrecks
