Tuesday, May 8, 2012


The sleep center wants me to come in to discuss the results.  No answers over the phone.  I was given two choices: two days from now or June 22nd!  I re-arranged my schedule to accommodate the sooner one.

Here are a few questions I want to ask him when I have my appointment (I wonder if he'll give me enough time to ask them all):

-Is sleepwalking related to narcolepsy?
-Can I develop cataplexy?  Sleep paralysis?
-Is my bad memory related?
-Everyone on the internet says the 15 minute naps help with narcolepsy.  Why do I need 3-4 hour naps?
-Are there any good resources on narcolepsy without cataplexy?  Any awareness groups?
-How does my sleep cycle compare to normal?
-Will my driver's license be affected?
-When I laugh really hard, my knees do get weak.  Is that cataplexy?  Everyone I asked says they have the same thing.
-Are you sure I don't have MS? (I have a history of that in my family.)

If this is not narcolepsy, I'll either have to re-name my blog or quit altogether.  We'll see on Thursday, I guess.

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