Friday, November 30, 2012

You know you have Narcolepsy when...

...every story your boyfriend tells ends with, "she fell asleep and missed the rest."

...people who barely know you are aware of your sleeping habits.'re seriously considering buying that helicopter alarm clock for yourself for Christmas.

Sleep well!

The subtlety that is Narcolepsy treatment...

Next week I go back for a follow-up with my sleep doctor/neurologist. I have been on Nuvigil for a few months. About a month ago, he increased my dose. I am certainly awake more than I used to be, but I'm still always sleepy. I think it makes a difference, but the difference is very subtle.

That's kinda cool because I still feel like me, but at the same time, life is still difficult. I still feel like there aren't enough hours in the day to do everything plus sleep.

The Nuvigil also works best if I have gotten a good night's sleep the night before. If not, forget about it! I'll be out like a light!

Next step is stimulants, my doc says. We'll see!